165 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Web Arsip Dinamis Perpustakaan Universitas Muria Kudus

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    Perpustakaan Pusat Universitas Muria Kudus memerlukan suatu aplikasi arsip dinamis untuk membantu pengelolaan arsip secara dinamis supaya lebih efektif dan efisien. Pengelompokan arsip didasarkan pada kategori tertentu. Pencarian arsip menggunakan aplikasi arsip dinamis lebih menghemat waktu dibandingkan menggunakan sistem pencarian yang manual. Aplikasi yang dibuat meliputi pengelolaan daur hidup arsip. Mulai dari penciptaan arsip, penggunaan dan pemeliharaan, dan penyusutan arsip. Karena sebelumnya telah ada beberapa aplikasi web yang digunakan di Perpustakaan, maka aplikasi yang dibangun juga berbasis web. Perancangan aplikasi menggunakan UML (Unified Modeling Leanguage). Aplikasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan MySQL serta menggunakan Yii framework. Aplikasi ini membantu manajemen arsip pada Perpustakaan Universitas Muria Kudus menjadi lebih baik, efektif dan efisien

    3d-Catalog Mountain View Resident Berbasis Augmented Reality

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    Go green merupakan upaya penghijauan bumi yang saat ini sudah mengalami Global Warming. Hal ini yang banyak dilakukan oleh semua pihak, untuk mengurangi pemanasan global. Go green ini juga dilakukan pada developer hunian Mountain View Resident. Dalam memasarkan hunian masih menggunakan katalog dan selebaran berupa kertas. Dengan berkembangnya metode Augmented Reality, hal ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi penggunaan katalog kertas yang sering digunakan. Augmented reality merupakan penggabungan benda-benda nyata dan maya di lingkungan nyata, berjalan secara interaktif dalam waktu nyata, dan terdapat integrasi antarbenda dalam tiga dimensi, yaitu benda maya terintegrasi dalam dunia nyata. Tujuan dari 3D-Catalog ini agar dapat digunakan oleh semua orang yang berminat pada hunian tersebut. Dengan 3D-Catalog diharapkan konsumen lebih tertarik, karena langsung menampilkan denah hunian secara 3 dimensi.Data yang diambil merupakan denah-denah yang dipasarkan pada hunian Mountain View Resident.3D-Catalog ini dapat dipergunakan dengan fasilitas marker yang dapat diperlihatkan secara visual maupun cetak. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam 3D-Catalog menggunakan Markeless Augmented Reality. Dengan metode ini konsumen tidak perlu lagi menggunakan sebuah marker untuk menampilkan elemen-elemen digital. Diharapkan dengan 3D-Catalog ini dapat meningkatkan minat konsumen terhadap hunian tersebut

    E-Marketplace Komunitas Penjual Produk Olahan Buah Parijoto Muria Di Kabupaten Kudus

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    Parijoto fruite (Medinilla Speciosa L.) is one of the famous plants cultivated around the muria mountains and has many properties especially to fertilize the womb, both for pregnant women and to increase endurance. With the harvest of parijoto fruit, it has an impact on the emergence of creative industries that use parijoto fruit as a local processed product typical of the region. But there are obstacles because there is no special forum to increase the potential of the Muria Mountains area in Kudus Regency. The existence of these obstacles, the author made a special E-marketplace for the community of sellers of processed parijoto fruit products as a place for seller to increase the potential of the Muria Mountains area in Kudus Regency based on a website. The data collection method in this study used literature studies, interviews, and observations. The author uses the waterfall method to develop codeigniter systems and framework with MySQL as a database. This e-marketplace uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) design and black box testing methods for application testing. The result of this study was to create an e-marketplace for a community of sellers of processed parijoto muria fruit products in Kudus Regency

    Pengembangan Finite State Machine untuk Memodel Pemeliharaan Ayam Petelur

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    The decline of interest in the world of faming in particular poultry farm, not not insuffucient demand affect egglaying chickens in indonesia. superior laying hens present very well worn germplasm to produce quality seeds. Result dirt and waste from a poultry slaughter by-products that can be processed into manure, compost or energy sources (biogas). game is one of the aplication that are in demand by the whole society. It is therefore necessary to develop a simulation game for the maintance of laying hens. The method i used in the simulation game is to use the theory of finite state machine (FSM). with the development of gaming aplication mentioned above, it is expected to generate interest from an early age in the welfare of laying hens

    Three Dimensional Animation of How to Breed Rabbit

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    Rabbit is one of the animal groups that is included in herbivore livestock that has been known by people beside of goat, cow, buffalo etc. Most countries in this world have rabbit livestock because of the rabbit has a high body adaptation energy that can make them live in most of the world. Some of the advantages of rabbit breeding are from the side of economic profits. Because of that, this research presents an animation of the way to breed rabbit well and correctly, because rabbit breeding is one of the benificial activities or hobbies. Through media information which uses animation, the process of information delivery will be easier to understand rather than using oral or written from. Therefore, how to breed rabbit animation will make people know the way to breed rabbit well and correctly, that will serve as a three-dimensional form

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Distribusi Obat Pasien Rawat Inap

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    Sistem informasi distribusi obat di rumah sakit untuk pasien rawat inap adalah salah satu penunjang pelayanan medik dalam rumah sakit. Sistem distribusi obat ini berorientasi pada penderita dalam mempermudah kegiatan penyampaian persediaan obat beserta informasinya kepada pasien. Pada penelitian ini aplikasi yang dibangun merupakan aplikasi berbasis website menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan menggunakan database MySQL dengan menggunakan metode waterfall, Metode waterfall meliputi analisis kebutuhan, analisis sistem, desain, pembangunan dan pengujian. Desain sistem dinyatakan dalam Entity Relationship Diagram dan Data Flow Diagram. Kegiatan distribusi obat dapat diakses pegawai rumah sakit dengan mudah dari setiap instalasi ruang yang ada di rumah sakit karena berbasis website. Aplikasi ini dapat di akses oleh kepala ruang, perawat, petugas farmasi dan juga oleh petugas yang bertindak sebagai admin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah pengolahan data distribusi obat, pengelolaan persediaan obat dan mempermudah dalam pembuatan laporan secara tepat, akurat, dan lebih efisien


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    Social media such as Twitter is a communication medium that is in great demand by Indonesian people from various groups. Many of the people who express opinions or opinions on something, from good things to bad things or criticize on twitter. Because of this, making e-cigarettes or commonly called vapes as an object of analysis, which has many users of e-cigarettes or vapes in Indonesian society from teenagers to adults. Making user opinions or opinions on Twitter in the form of tweets which will later be used for sentiment analysis, where we can determine the sentiment of each tweet, in the form of positive, negative, and neutral sentiments. Retrieval of tweet data on twitter we use the twitter API that has been provided by the twitter developer. Using a program created using the python programming language and using the Naïve Bayes classification model. From the sentiment analysis carried out using the Naïve Bayes classification model, with an accuracy rate of 77.5%, the number of negative polarity 11.7%, the number of neutral polarity 77.3%, and the number of positive 11%

    Population resizing on fitness improvement genetic algorithm to optimize promotion visit route based on android and google maps API

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    The promotion team of Muria Kudus University (UMK) has done annual promotion visit to several senior high schools in Indonesia. The visits were done to numbers of schools in Kudus, Jepara, Demak, Rembang and Purwodadi. To simplify the visit, each visit round is limited to 15 (fifteen) schools. However, the team frequently faces some obstacles during the visit, particularly in determining the route that they should take toward the targeted school. It is due to the long distance or the difficult route to reach the targeted school that leads to elongated travel duration and inefficient fuel cost. To solve these problems, the development of a certain application using heuristic genetic algorithm method based on the dynamic of population size or Population Resizing on Fitness lmprovement Genetic Algorithm (PRoFIGA), was done. This android-based application was developed to make the visit easier and to determine a shorter route for the team, hence, the visiting period will be effective and efficient. The result of this research was an android-based application to determine the shortest route by combining heuristic method and Google Maps Application Programming lnterface (API) that display the route options for the team